Simulating and Optimising Dynamical Models in Python 3

Resources: documentation, peer-reviewed paper, pyPI

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Quick installation

pip install pySODM

Aim & scope

All the simulation projects I’ve undertaken over the past six years required me to do most of the following,

  1. Integrate a system dynamical model

  2. Its states may be represented by n-dimensional numpy arrays, labeled using coordinates

  3. Its parameters may have time-dependencies

  4. Its parameters may have to be sampled from distributions

  5. It may have to be calibrate to a dataset(s) by defining and optimising a cost function

all these features required me to wrap code around an ODE solver, typically scipy.solve_ivp, and I got tired of recycling the same code over and over again, so I packaged it into pySODM.

Does other simulation software exist in Python? Sure, but most of them hold your hand by having you define symbolic transitions, which places a limit on the attainable complexity of a model, making it unfit for academic research. I wanted a piece a software that nicely does all the nasty bookkeeping like keeping track of state sizes, time dependencies on parameters, aligning simulations with datasets etc. and does so in a generically applicable way.

Software structure

To achieve its goal, pySODM bundles a set of low-level interfaces to integrate sets of ODEs (scipy.integrate), simulate stochastic jump processes (Gillespie methods), store n-dimensional temporal data (xarray.Dataset), perform frequentist optimizations of model parameters using Particle Swarm Optimization or the Nelder–Mead Simplex algorithm, and, perform Bayesian inference of model parameters (emcee.EnsembleSampler), all of which were already available in Python 3. pySODM adds a generically applicable template to implement time-dependencies on model parameters and performing consecutive simulations with parameter sampling.

Flowchart of pySODM

Figure Solid boxes depict third-party implementations incorporated in pySODM, while the dashed boxes depict implementations provided by pySODM.




Construct a dynamical model

Implement systems of coupled differential equations

Labeled n-dimensional model states, states can have different sizes

Leverages xarray.Dataset to store labeled n-dimensional simulation output

Simulating the model

Deterministic (ODE) or stochastic simulation (Jump process)

Time-dependent model parameter functions to vary parameters during the course of a simulation

Draw functions to vary model parameters during consecutive simulations.

Calibrate the model

Construct and maximize a posterior probability function

Automatically aligns data and model forecast

Nelder-Mead Simplex and Particle Swarm Optimization

Bayesian inference with emcee.EnsembleSampler

Getting started

  • Detailed installation instructions.

  • The quistart tutorial teaches the basics of building and simulating models with n-dimensional labeled states in pySODM. It demonstrates the use of time-dependent parameter functions (TDPFs) to vary model parameters over the course of a simulation and draw functions to vary model parameters during consecutive simulations.

  • The workflow tutorial provides a step-by-step introduction to building a mathematical model and calibrating its parameters to a dataset. An SIR disease model is built and the basic reproduction number during an outbreak is determined by calibrating the model to the outbreak data.

  • The enzyme kinetics and influenza 17-18 case studies apply the workflow to more advanced, real-world problems. In the enzyme kinetics case study, a 1D packed-bed reactor model is implemented in pySODM by reducing the PDEs to a set of coupled ODEs by using the method-of-lines. In the Influenza 17-18 case study, a stochastic, age-structured model for influenza is developped and calibrated to the Influenza incidence data reported by the Belgian Federal Institute of Public Health. These case studies mainly serve to demonstrate pySODM’s capabilities across scientific disciplines and highlight the arbitrarily complex nature of the models that can be built with pySODM. For an academic exposee of pySODM, the Enzyme Kinetics and Influenza 17-18 case studies, checkout our peer-reviewed paper.