
pySODM contains a class to build ordinary differential equation models (ODE) and a class to build stochastic jump process models (JumpProcess), both live in models/ To learn more about initialising and simulating these models, see the quickstart tutorial.


class ODE

Inherits from the user’s model class:

  • states (list) - Names of the model’s states.

  • parameters (list) - Names of the model’s parameters. Parameters are not subject to input checks and can have any type.

  • integrate (function) - Function computing the differentials of every model state. The integrate function must have the timestep t as its first input, followed by the names of the model’s states, parameters and stratified parameters (order not important). The integrate function must return a differential for every model state of the correct shape and in the same order as the names states. The integrate function must be a static method (include the decorator @staticmethod).

  • dimensions (list) - optional - Names of the model’s dimensions. Number of dimensions determines the dimensionality of the model’s states.

    • No dimensions: states are 0-D (scalar)

    • 1 dimension: states are 1-D (np.ndarray)

    • 2 dimensions: states are 2-D (np.ndarray)

    • etc.

  • stratified_parameters (list) - optional - Names of the stratified parameters. Their use is optional and mainly serves as a way for the user to structure his code.

    • 0 dimensions: not possible to have stratified parameters

    • 1 dimension: list containing strings - ['stratpar_1', 'stratpar_2']

    • 2+ dimensions: List contains n sublists, where n is the number of model dimensions. Each sublist contains names of stratified parameters associated with the dimension in the corresponding position in dimensions - example for 3 dimensions model: [['stratpar_1', 'stratpar_2'],[],['stratpar_3']], first dimension in dimensions has two stratified parameters stratpar_1 and stratpar_2, second dimension has no stratified parameters, third dimensions has one stratified parameter stratpar_3.

  • dimensions_per_state (list) - optional - Specify the dimensions of each model states. Allows users to define models with states of different sizes. If dimensions_per_state is not provided, all model states will have the same number of dimensions, equal to the number of model dimensions specified using dimensions. If specified, dimensions_per_state must contain n sublists, where n is the number of model states (n = len(states)). If a model state has no dimensions (i.e. it is a float), specify an empty list.

Below is a minimal example of a user-defined model class inheriting ODE.

# Import the ODE class
from pySODM.models.base import ODE

# Define the model equations
class MY_MODEL(ODE):

    states = ['Y1', 'Y2']
    parameters = ['alpha']

    def integrate(t, Y1, Y2, alpha):
        return -alpha*Y1, alpha*Y2

To intialize this model, the following arguments must be provided.


  • initial_states (dict or callable) - Initial condition. If a dictionary. Keys: names of model states. Values: initial values of model states. The dictionary does not need to contain all model states, missing states are filled with zeros upon initialization. If a callable (initial condition function): a function that creates such a dictionary.

  • parameters (dict) - Model parameters. Keys: names of parameters. Values: values of parameters. A key,value pair must be provided for all parameter names listed in parameters and stratified_parameters of the model declaration. If time dependent parameter functions with additional parameters are used, these parameters must be included as well. If an initial condition function with parameters is used, these parameters must be included as well.

  • coordinates (dict) - optional - Keys: names of dimensions (dimensions). Values: coordinates of the dimension.

  • time_dependent_parameters (dict) - optional - Keys: name of the model parameter the time-dependent parameter function should be applied to. Must be a valid model parameter. Values: time-dependent parameter function (callable function). Time-dependent parameter functions must have t (timestep/data), states (dictionary of model states at time t) and params (model parameters dictionary) as the first three arguments.

For our example,

model = MY_MODEL(initial_states={'Y1': 1000, 'Y2': 0}, parameters={'alpha': 1})

Or using an initial condition function,

def initial_condition_function(Y1_0):
    return {'Y1': Y1_0, 'Y2': 0}

model = MY_MODEL(initial_states=initial_condition_function, parameters={'alpha': 1, 'Y1_0': 1000})

The parameters of the initial condition function become a part of the model’s parameters and can therefore be optimised.

Class methods:

  • sim(time, N=1, draw_function=None, draw_function_kwargs={}, processes=None, method=’RK23’, rtol=1e-3, tau=None, time_unit=’D’)

    Integrate a pySODM model using scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(). Can optionally perform N repeated simulations. Can change the values of model parameters at every consecutive simulation by manipulating the dictionary of model parameters parameters using a draw_function.


    • time - (int/float or list) - The start and stop “time” or “date” of the integration. Three possible inputs: 1) an int/float denoting the end of the integration, 2) a list of int/float [start_time, stop_time], 3) a list of dates (type: datetime or a ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ string representation thereof) [start_date, stop_date].

    • N - (int) - optional - Number of consecutive simulations to perform.

    • draw_function - (function) - optional - A function altering the model parameters dictionary parameters between consecutive simulations. Function must have parameters as its first input, followed by an arbitrary number of additional parameters. Function must return the model parameters dictionary parameters with its keys unaltered, meaning no parameters should be added or removed by a draw function.

    • draw_function_kwargs - (dict) - optional - Dictionary containing the parameters of the draw function, excluding parameters. Keys: names of additional parameters draw function, values: values of additional parameters draw function. Not subject to input checks regarding data type.

    • processes - (int) - optional - Number of cores to use when \(N > 1\).

    • method - (str) - optional - Integration methods of scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(), click to consult scipy’s documentation.

    • rtol - (int/float) - optional - Relative tolerance of scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(), click to consult scipy’s documentation.

    • tau - (int/float) - optional - If tau != None, the model is simulated using a simple discrete timestepper with fixed timestep tau. Overrides the method and rtol arguments.

    • time_unit - (str) - optional - Defines the unit of time. Valid options are: ‘us’ , ‘ms’ , ‘s’, ‘min’, ‘h’, ‘D’, ‘W’. Only relevant when using dates to index simulations.


    • out - (xarray.Dataset) - Simulation output. xarray.Dataset.data_vars return the model’s states. xarray.Dataset.dimensions returns the temporal dimension plus the model’s dimensions. The time dimension is named time if timesteps were numbers, the time dimension is named date if timesteps were dates. When \(N > 1\) an additional dimension draws is added to accomodate the consecutive simulations.

class JumpProcess

Inherits from the user’s model class:

  • states (list) - Names of the model’s states.

  • parameters (list) - Names of the model’s parameters. Parameters are not subject to input checks and can have any type.

  • compute_rates (function) - Function returning the rates of transitioning between the model states. compute_rates() must have the timestep t as its first input, followed by the names states, parameters and stratified_parameters (their order is not important). compute_rates() must be a static method (include @staticmethod). The output of compute_rates() must be a dictionary. Its keys must be valid model states, a rate is only needed for the states undergoing a transitioning. The corresponding values must be a list containing the rates of the possible transitionings of the state. In this way, a model state can have multiple transitionings.

  • apply_transitionings (function) - Function to update the states with the number of drawn transitionings. apply_transitionings() must have the timestep t as its first input, followed by the solver timestep tau, follwed by the dictionary containing the transitionings transitionings, then followed by the model states and parameters similarily to compute_rates().

  • dimensions (list) - optional - Names of the model’s dimensions. Number of dimensions determines the dimensionality of the model’s states.

    • No dimensions: states are 0-D (scalar)

    • 1 dimension: states are 1-D (np.ndarray)

    • 2 dimensions: states are 2-D (np.ndarray)

    • etc.

  • stratified_parameters (list) - optional - Names of the stratified parameters. Their use is optional and mainly serves as a way for the user to structure his code.

    • 0 dimensions: not possible to have stratified parameters

    • 1 dimension: list containing strings - ['stratpar_1', 'stratpar_2']

    • 2+ dimensions: List contains n sublists, where n is the number of model dimensions. Each sublist contains names of stratified parameters associated with the dimension in the corresponding position in dimensions - example for 3 dimensions model: [['stratpar_1', 'stratpar_2'],[],['stratpar_3']], first dimension in dimensions has two stratified parameters stratpar_1 and stratpar_2, second dimension has no stratified parameters, third dimensions has one stratified parameter stratpar_3.

  • dimensions_per_state (list) - optional - Specify the dimensions of each model states. Allows users to define models with states of different sizes. If dimensions_per_state is not provided, all model states will have the same number of dimensions, equal to the number of model dimensions specified using dimensions. If specified, dimensions_per_state must contain n sublists, where n is the number of model states (n = len(states)). If a model state has no dimensions (i.e. it is a float), specify an empty list.

Below is a minimal example of a user-defined model class inheriting JumpProcesses.

# Import the JumpProcesses class
from pySODM.models.base import JumpProcesses

class MY_MODEL(JumpProcesses):

    states = ['Y1', 'Y2']
    parameters = ['alpha']

    # define the rates of the system's transitionings
    def compute_rates(t, Y1, Y2, alpha):
        return {'Y1': [alpha, ]}

    # apply the sampled number of transitionings
    def apply_transitionings(t, tau, transitionings, Y1, Y2, alpha):

        Y1_new = Y1 - transitionings['Y1'][0]
        Y2_new = Y2 + transitionings['Y2'][0]

        return Y1_new, Y2_new

To intialize the user-defined model class, the following arguments must be provided.


  • initial_states (dict or callable) - Initial condition. If a dictionary. Keys: names of model states. Values: initial values of model states. The dictionary does not need to contain all model states, missing states are filled with zeros upon initialization. If a callable (initial condition function): a function that creates such a dictionary.

  • parameters (dict) - Model parameters. Keys: names of parameters. Values: values of parameters. A key,value pair must be provided for all parameter names listed in parameters and stratified_parameters of the model declaration. If time dependent parameter functions with additional parameters are used, these parameters must be included as well.

  • coordinates (dict) - optional - Keys: names of dimensions (dimensions). Values: coordinates of the dimension.

  • time_dependent_parameters (dict) - optional - Keys: name of the model parameter the time-dependent parameter function should be applied to. Must be a valid model parameter. Values: time-dependent parameter function (callable function). Time-dependent parameter functions must have t (timestep/data), states (dictionary of model states at time t) and params (model parameters dictionary) as the first three arguments.

For our example,

model = MY_MODEL(initial_states={'Y1': 1000, 'Y2': 0}, parameters={'alpha': 1})

Or using an initial condition function,

def initial_condition_function(Y1_0):
    return {'Y1': Y1_0, 'Y2': 0}

model = MY_MODEL(initial_states=initial_condition_function, parameters={'alpha': 1, 'Y1_0': 1000})

The parameters of the initial condition function become a part of the model’s parameters and can therefore be optimised.


  • sim(time, N=1, draw_function=None, draw_function_kwargs={}, processes=None, method=’tau_leap’, tau=0.5, time_unit=’D’)

    Integrate a model stochastically using Gillespie’s Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (SSA) or the approximate Tau-leaping method. Can optionally perform N repeated simulations. Can change the values of model parameters at every consecutive simulation by manipulating the dictionary of model parameters parameters using a draw_function.


    • time - (int/float or list) - The start and stop “time” or “date” of the integration. Three possible inputs: 1) an int/float denoting the end of the integration, 2) a list of int/float [start_time, stop_time], 3) a list of dates (type: datetime or a ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ string representation thereof) [start_date, stop_date].

    • N - (int) - optional - Number of consecutive simulations to perform.

    • draw_function - (function) - optional - A function altering the model parameters dictionary parameters between consecutive simulations. Function must have parameters as its first input, followed by an arbitrary number of additional parameters. Function must return the model parameters dictionary parameters with its keys unaltered, meaning no parameters should be added or removed by a draw function.

    • draw_function_kwargs - (dict) - optional - Dictionary containing the parameters of the draw function, excluding parameters. Keys: names of additional parameters draw function, values: values of additional parameters draw function. Not subject to input checks regarding data type.

    • processes - (int) - optional - Number of cores to use when \(N > 1\).

    • method - (str) - optional - ‘SSA’: Stochastic Simulation Algorithm. ‘tau-leap’: Tau-leaping algorithm. Consult the following blog for more background information.

    • tau - (int/float) - optional - Leap value of the tau-leaping method. Consult the following blog for more background information.

    • time_unit - (str) - optional - Defines the unit of time. Valid options are: ‘us’ , ‘ms’ , ‘s’, ‘min’, ‘h’, ‘D’, ‘W’. Only relevant when using dates to index simulations.


    • out - (xarray.Dataset) - Simulation output. xarray.Dataset.data_vars return the model’s states. xarray.Dataset.dimensions returns the temporal dimension plus the model’s dimensions. The time dimension is named time if timesteps were numbers, the time dimension is named date if timesteps were dates. When \(N > 1\) an additional dimension draws is added to accomodate the consecutive simulations.